Bianca Ryan
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in Featured ArticlesTop 5 Gecko Tik Toks
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in Featured ArticlesThe Natural History of the Gecko
Geckos are a widely distributed species of carnivorous lizards that are found on every continent except Antarctica. The family Gekkonidae is the largest group of lizards, including almost 1,500 different lizard species. There is a lot to know about the geckos. In this article, we will discuss the evolutionary history of geckos. This incredible group […] More
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in Featured ArticlesTop 5 new Gecko products to check out in 2021
This year there’s a bunch of new products we can’t wait to try out. Some of them are not exactly 2021 Brand New but with COVID-19 delaying everything as it has, we figure each of these is still new enough to be relevant. It’s really fun to see the Internet-of-Things make it to the pet industry. […] More
in Featured ArticlesTop 5 Gecko Tik Toks
Tik Tok is the latest and greatest in the social media game and Tik Tok users are not shy about how much they love animals. Below you’ll find our Top 5 gecko Tik Toks, in no particular order. Social media can have some serious drawbacks but whenever I need a pick-me-up it never hurts to […] More
in Featured ArticlesEmergency Preparedness for your Geckos (and other reptiles)
With climate change upon us it makes sense to be sure your emergency and disaster preparedness are up to par. Ideally we’d all be going through our emergency kits annually replacing batteries, and checking expiration dates, but there’s no shame in starting now. Today we’re going to assume you’ve got the basics for human emergency […] More
in do it yourself, Featured ArticlesSupport Your Gecko Habit by Breeding Dubia Roaches
Dubia roaches are one of the most sought after products of our hobby right now. The word is out about how much better dubia are than crickets. The people have spoken and dubia are superior in almost every way. The problem is still the cost; which means, directly or indirectly, that supply is the solution. […] More
in Featured ArticlesProviding Enrichment for your Gecko
Enrichment, when it comes to pet reptiles, can mean many different things. There’s an entire spectrum of needs when it comes to reptile enrichment. Today we’re going to be reviewing some of the things you can do to provide an enriching environment for your gecko to live in. This is generally something you don’t need […] More
in Featured ArticlesFrequently Asked Gecko Questions: Shared from
Every forum has a section for newcomers, beginners, or “n00bs”. Usually these listings include threads with happy introductions, emergency health issues, and questions that seem to get repeated day after day, year after year. It’s important that we welcome new questions even when it’s difficult to find a way to respond in a patient, understanding […] More
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in Featured Articles, Prose and ControversiesBuying a Gecko from a *gasp* Pet Store?!
Believe it or not, brick-and-mortar pet stores can be a reasonable place to find a quality pet gecko.
Now hear me out because not all pet stores are created equally. There is a right way to run a pet store and there is a wrong way to run a pet store. We’re going to outline some of the things you can look out for when you would prefer to shop at a retail store. More