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    Fun with Hets: Leopard Geckos Teach Genetics 101

    A successful reptile breeder, in addition to knowing the mechanics of breeding and caring for hatchlings, must also understand basic genetics in order to plan and execute reptile pairings. In addition, the only way to make a positive contribution to herpetoculture requires the ability to provide the genetic history of the animal he or she produces. More

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    The Yearly Cycle with Geckos

    Caring for geckos is a skill that can be learned quickly at a basic level, but can deepen over the course of years as the keeper learns more about a species in general and his or her own geckos in particular. More

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    Eggs?! Help!

    Breeding season for most geckos is in full swing and gecko forums are full of anxious questions about eggs and incubation: Is my moldy/dented/shriveled/green and gooey egg OK? Why haven’t I gotten any fertile eggs yet? When will my gecko ovulate/lay her eggs? When will my eggs hatch? Face it, we’re much more broody about those eggs than the geckos.

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    Readers’ Non-Questions “Answered”

    Our April Readers’ Questions have been answered! Take a peak at the results.

    Question 1: I have been doing a lot of research about substrates and am having a hard time finding the correct one.  First I tried repti-carpet, but none of the colors went with my décor.  I tried switching to newspaper and  paper towel, but they both rip every time anyone walks through.  Then I read the article in Gecko Time about bio-active substrate.  I went to the woods with my dump truck, got the sand at Home Depot and made up a batch.  I installed it in the whole house, but we’re tracking it all over the place. What else can I do? More

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    5 Common Gecko Health Problems

    Even the most experienced and effective gecko keepers occasionally have geckos with health problems. This may occur with new acquisitions and also with animals they have had for a long time. There are a variety of heath problems that may affect our geckos, some of which may need to be diagnosed or treated by a vet. The problems discussed below are the most common health problems affecting geckos and are relatively easy to recognize. More

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    Readers’ Questions Answered: Breeding Basics

    It’s that time of year again for most geckos –breeding season. Each season brings geckos new to the breeding experience as well as keepers new to breeding them. This month’s Readers’ Questions Answered features some basic questions about aspects of the breeding process. Although the first question is specific to leopard geckos, the other question could apply to any gecko species. More

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    Which New Gecko Should I get?

    This question is heard often and usually for one of two reasons: either the questioner has just gotten hold of a new enclosure and wants something to put in it, or someone who has successfully kept a gecko for the first time wants to expand to a new, different or more challenging species. As usual, the internet can be a wonderful resource in the quest for a new gecko species to keep, but it is just that, a resource, not a mind reader. More

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