I've been keeping odd pets since I was 14, keeping and breeding a variety of species from viper geckos to poison dart frogs. Now living in Georgia, working in online advertising.
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in Featured ArticlesGecko Time acquired by Geico
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in Featured ArticlesSaying Goodbye to Geckos
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in Featured ArticlesBreaking: Lizard found on Mars
We’ve been following news closely from NASA this morning about an unexpected discovery from the Mars Curiosity Rover. Before this morning only blurry pictures had been captured, so we hesitated to report any news. Now, we’ve seen the first clear picture. We can finally say it. We’re not alone. There is life in our universe. […] More
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in Featured ArticlesGecko Time acquired by Geico
We’re excited to announce that Geico has agreed to acquire the leading gecko publication, Gecko Time. After months of discussions between Geico executives and Gecko Time founders we’ve decided that it’s a perfect match. Over the next few months you can expect exciting articles from Gecko Time by Geico such as… Teaching Your Gecko To […] More
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in Featured ArticlesSaying Goodbye to Geckos
It’s a fair statement to say that I have become more accustomed to routine the older I grow. A typical Saturday starts with driving [Stephanie](url) to work around 5 AM (Starbucks opening shift), coming home, and sleeping for a few more hours. I then climb out of bed, brew a cup of coffee, and catch up on all that’s wrong with the world via the news. Then the real fun starts. More
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in Featured Articles2012 Breeder Survey: Calling All Breeders
Have you ever wondered what’s happened this year on a large scale with gecko breeding? Gecko Time would like to “paint the big picture” of the 2012 breeding season. In the survey below, we hope to collect information from as many breeders as possible about species bred, food, supplementation, general care and selling More
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in Featured ArticlesRenaming Rhacodactylus: Revision of the giant geckos of New Caledonia by Zootaxa
Zootaxa published an article on July 31, 2012 that created a massive shift in the way we could describe and classify New Caledonia geckos. This news has recently been buzzing across the gecko forums and we wanted to share the article with you. More
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in Featured ArticlesBugs that Clean Your Terrarium for You
If you have a tropical species that can handle a bit of humidity there are a few bugs that can help with your cleaning tasks from day to day. Here are some different species that can serve as your cleanup crew.
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in Featured ArticlesVideo: Tokay gecko saves fellow tokay from a snake
We don’t usually post video updates or short blog posts but this video was too good not to share. I hope you enjoy! More
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in Featured ArticlesImporting Geckos from Germany to the United States
Over the last two weeks we have discussed Namibia, and a gecko that hails from that region. This week I’d like to share my experience importing P. rangei from Germany to the United States.
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in Featured ArticlesRebuilding a Gecko Collection
While in high school I kept geckos on a large scale. Keeping hundreds of geckos is taxing. Anyone who has kept pets knows there are good days and bad days. Near the end of high school I was getting burnt out. It was more of a chore and less of a pleasure to feed and clean every night. Selling the collection before college was a relief. More
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in Featured ArticlesWhat Hatches Out of My Incubator Results
Our friends over at have donated two Reptipro incubators for two lucky Gecko Time readers.
We asked our readers to send us a photo, drawing or written description of any type of gecko that you have hatched or hope to hatch from their incubator. This can be an actual morph of a gecko or a rendering of your fantasy gecko (for example, a solid black leopard gecko with red eyes). Photoshopped pictures are welcome, but please indicate whether this is an actual gecko or a photoshopped submission. More
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in Featured ArticlesWe’ve Reached 100 Posts!
We’ve reached an enormous milestone at Gecko Time. We turned one year old in March and today we’ve reached one hundred posts! More
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in Featured ArticlesTrue Life: Being a Teen Gecko Breeder
Since I’ve been a little boy I’ve been fascinated by reptiles. When I was a kid I chased lizards, just like any other kid, but I took it a step further. Since that time I evolved into a gecko breeder keeping up to 150 geckos at a time ranging in price from $20 to $600. […] More