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    Two Decades as a Gecko Breeder

    There is plenty of information available today about how to keep and breed geckos.  With forums, articles, books, radio programs, social networking, and online resources, just about anybody can become a gecko keeper or even a breeder.  Whether you are inclined to be a hobbyist, serious collector, or aspire to become a legitimate business, it […] More

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    Two Passions Merged: Veterinarian and Reptile Hobbyist

    Growing up I always had a love of all animals. I especially had a big interest in exotics, mostly reptiles. I was fascinated by the variety of species out there and learned more and more about them as I grew older. I kept many species including various geckos, lizards, turtles, tortoises and amphibians. It was always a goal of mine to learn as much as I could about these amazing animals and provide the best care I could for them. Along the way many of these animals bred for me, most without me even trying. That generated a further interest and advancements in my hobby. Also, ever since I was a child it was a lifelong dream of mine to become a veterinarian. More

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    Gecko Keepers: 2014 Revisited

    A year ago, Gecko Time asked a number of our contributors to reflect on the previous year of gecko keeping and let us know their plans for 2014.  This week, we present a followup from 10 of the original contributors who comment on how 2014 actually played out, compared to what their plans were.  Note that this […] More

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    A Day in the Life as a Vendor

    Reptile expos are a wonderful opportunity to see a lot of species and morphs, meet breeders who may otherwise be only a name on a website and, most important, to buy some new pets. At the early stages of our reptile keeper “lives”, we endeavor to learn how to vend at a show and how to effectively attend one. As we gain experience, we continue to challenge ourselves to become even better vendors and customers. More

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    Reptile Forum Profile: has long been one of the premier forums focusing on geckos, leopard geckos in particular, as opposed to reptiles in general. I have been a member of since its inception in 2006 and am pleased to have the current owner, Thad Unkefer, provide some information about this valuable resource. More

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    Gecko Keepers: A Peek at 2014

    New Year’s Eve. A time to remember the highs and lows of the previous year and look ahead to the coming season. In the spirit of the day, Gecko Time features 12 gecko keepers reflecting about the 2013 season and giving us a sneak peek at their plans for 2014.


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    Gecko Breeder Interview: Nico Pietrzyk

    This month, Gecko Time has had the opportunity to speak with Nico Pietrzyk, a young leopard gecko breeder from Germany. He was good enough to share some information about his leopard gecko activities and the gecko scene in Germany as well. More

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    Breeding Large Feeder Roach Colonies

    There is a plethora of conflicting information available to the exotic pet enthusiast regarding the propagation of feeder insects that only just scratches the surface of how to effectively produce them in quantities sufficient to support one’s animals. In this article I will cover the topic a bit more in depth.
    I will not go into great detail with regards to temperature and humidity, or housing methods as this method is not particularly dependent on these variables. So long as your roach colony is producing this method will help you maximize production and reduce age related die-offs. More

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    Reptile Calculator: Information and Review

    With the number of new genetic mutations that have exploded for some gecko species, the question comes up more and more frequently: “What will I get if I pair up . . . “ This was a simple question to answer years ago when the genetic combinations were limited and largely restricted to recessive and dominant traits. More

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    How to Become a “Gecko Expert”

    The world of gecko-related information, mostly internet based, is one of questions and answers, arguments and opinions. As people become more familiar with this world, they come to realize that there are those who mostly ask questions and others who mostly answer them. More

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    My Boyfriend is a Gecko Breeder

    Upon walking into the Kammerer & Sexton apartment here in Cambridge, MA., one would get the full tour. Here’s my bedroom and bathroom, there’s his, here’s our small kitchen, the loft, our living room/dining room/my office (yes there is a nice terrarium in here with some poison dart frogs), oh, and here is the gecko room.

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