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in Featured ArticlesReplicating Native Gecko Habitats
Living in Albuquerque, I noticed that the terrain looks similar to that of the leopard gecko’s natural environment in Afghanistan. I was already interested in trying out a bioactive substrate for my terrarium, but I thought I could do better. I did some research on the climate and terrain to set up a similar habitat for my pets. I chose to simulate the alluvial soil found in Kabul, Afghanistan.
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in Featured ArticlesKeeping Geckos in Extreme Climates
Most of us are living in climates that are different than the native environments of many of the geckos we keep. When we set up our geckos in their homes we all face certain challenges particularly in providing the appropriate heat and humidity. In this article, Gecko Time looks at the even greater challenges facing keepers who live in extreme climates: very cold climates with dry heat that significantly reduces humidity, and very hot and humid climates. More
in Featured ArticlesKeeping Uroplatus
Uroplatus are a cool tropical gecko species found only in the northwest and eastern coast of Madagascar. There are currently fourteen species of Uroplatus with new species being found from time to time. Each species has its own husbandry requirements, so when researching be specific about the species you want to work with. More
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in Featured ArticlesProduct Review: Managing Water and Humidity for Your Reptiles
Today I’m straying away from reviewing a single product and focusing on a group of products relating to water and humidity. In the past few years many new products have hit the market that are meant to keep humidity in your reptile terrariums at appropriate levels, and/or keep your reptiles well hydrated and in good health, but figuring out what is worth purchasing, or which product to choose can be a real pain. More
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in Featured ArticlesThree to Get Ready: Paroedura
Although, according to wikipedia, there are 16 species in the Paroedura genus, Paroedura picta is by far the most popular to be kept in the reptile hobby, as you will see below. More
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in Featured ArticlesAutomated Reptile Misting System
Automation of daily maintenance is one of the best decisions that I have ever made regarding time management. Providing for geckos that need high humidity, “rain”, or lots of water can be a real chore when you have to fill up your misting bottles daily and spend large amounts of time in front of the enclosure misting away. More