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in Featured ArticlesBreeder Chronicles: Season taking Off
Since my last entry a lot happened. The breeding season is in full swing with Shiny laying two clutches so far and Dot, Slocum and KC all successfully mating with The Dude. The KC pairing will be awesome since both geckos are Sunglow het RAPTOR. Hopefully we’ll get some nice color. More
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in Featured ArticlesTaking On a New Unique, Rare and Exciting Species
What generally sparks my interest in a new species of gecko is its outward appearance, its behaviors, or any other unique characteristics that it may possess. The species I will be writing about is Colopus kochi, and even though I have been working with them for a limited time what fascinates me about them is their ghostly appearance and the characteristic that their eggs go through a very long diapause period, and can take up to two years to incubate. More
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in Featured ArticlesNew Breeder Chronicles: Incubation Questions Answered
A lot has happened in the last month. A second super hypo has hatched, my first hatchling is an eating machine and my Mack Snow has finally bred and laid her first clutch. More
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in Featured ArticlesReaders’ Questions Answered: Breeding Basics
It’s that time of year again for most geckos –breeding season. Each season brings geckos new to the breeding experience as well as keepers new to breeding them. This month’s Readers’ Questions Answered features some basic questions about aspects of the breeding process. Although the first question is specific to leopard geckos, the other question could apply to any gecko species. More
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in Featured ArticlesSquamata Concepts’ S.I.M. Container Evolution
The S.I.M incubation container started out as being a homemade “no substrate” container. John Adragna and I have been keeping and breeding reptiles for well over 20 years and incubated eggs like most have over the years. Although the traditional methods of incubation have always served us well in the past, we wanted a better, more reliable method of incubation, one that would be quick and easy to set up without worrying too much about measuring water to substrate ratios, and that would yield equal to, or better results. More
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in Featured ArticlesBeginner Breeder Basics: Comparing Incubation Mediums
As reptile breeders, we spend a lot of time deciding what products to use in order to keep our breeding colony healthy. I’m sure we all want our females to produce healthy offspring, so we make sure they are well supplemented and at a healthy weight. This same concept carries over to how we go about deciding what medium to use for incubating the eggs. We all want to guarantee the best hatch rate for those eggs, right?! More