April 2009
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in Featured ArticlesMy Gargoyle Gecko Mansion
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in Photo ContestMay Photo Contest Submissions
It’s time for Gecko Time’s third photo contest! This month the photo contest is sponsored by Reptile Direct. Photo submissions will be open from April 29th till May 6th. Photos will be posted for community voting on May 13th. The photo with the most votes will will a $50 gift certificate to Reptile Direct! Reptile Direct is a reptile supply store online. Be sure to check it out for all your reptile supply needs.
Enter the photo contest today! It’s free! More
5.2k Views102 Comments
in Featured ArticlesGuide to Breeding Leopard Geckos on a Small Scale
Breeding leopard geckos is relatively easy and rewarding. There are so many exciting images on the internet of gorgeous and unique animals that many of us get bitten by the breeding bug. We may dream of producing beautiful specimens and even of developing our own lines. Few of us, however, have the time, space and money that it takes to succeed at this level. In order to develop a unique line of high quality animals, a breeder must have access to a large collection which needs to be continually upgraded. He or she must be able to house and feed breeders and hatchlings, and also must have a market to sell both the expensive morphs and the less unusual ones that will result. More
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in Featured Articles11 Forums for Gecko Lovers
The internet is a valuable source of information about many related herp subjects, from care and husbandry to available reptiles. For many gecko enthusiasts, the reptile-specific forums and chats have become quite addictive. What follows are ten of the most popular and active gecko forums that exist today on the internet. Register and enjoy! More
25.1k Views329 Comments
in Featured ArticlesBreeding Superworms: A guide to raising and breeding superworms
In today’s economy we are all searching for ways to save money. Breeding your own feeders is one of the best ways. For the past several years I’ve been breeding superworms for all my geckos. It’s a fairly simple process and with some time and patience you can raise your own feeders. More
in Featured Articles, Site NewsApril Photo Contest Winner & Site Updates
Congratulations to Heather Shutt, the winner of the April Photo Contest! We are pleased to report we had 329 voters and 31 great entries. The photos in this contest really were great! I am glad I am not in charge of picking the winner.
Heather will receive a roach colony from BuyDubia.com. Thank you very much to Buy Dubia for sponsoring the April photo contest! More
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in Breeder InterviewsInterview with Ron Tremper of LeopardGecko.com
Gecko Time is proud to present an interview with the famous Ron Tremper of LeopardGecko.com. Ron was even kind enough to give us a glimpse at the blue leopard gecko! This interview can not be missed.
Ron has been interested in reptiles since he was 6 years old collecting turtles and tortoises and later served as Curator of Reptiles at the Fresno Zoo in California. He started the Center for Reptile & Amphibian Propagation in 1981 and have pioneered such species as Argentine Horned frogs, Veiled and Panther chameleons and Leopard geckos. More
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in Featured ArticlesStopping the Non-Native Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act, H.R. 669
On April 23, 2009, the United States Congress will be conducting a hearing and voting on proposed legislature introduced by the Non-Native Wildlife Invasion Prevention Act, H.R. 669. This bill must not pass, and we must take action ASAP. More
454 Views16 Comments
in Photo ContestApril Photo Contest: Vote Now!
Our second photo contest has been a success so far! This month’s contest beat the March Photo Contest in terms of submissions and I expect we will beat the number of votes as well. Voting will be open from April 8th, 8am Eastern time to April 15th at 12PM Eastern. Remember that the winner of this contest receives 25 dubia roaches from BuyDubia.com. More
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in Photo ContestPhoto Contest Update: March Winner & April Submissions
Wow, did you all enjoy the March photo contest as much as I did? 19 submissions and 524 votes placed. What a hit! We plan to run this contest each month. If you enjoy it, be sure to let us know in the comments below!
Gecko Time would like to congratulate Stefan Brech of Reptilwelt.de on winning the March photo contest!
Stefan has won two months of premium advertising on Gecko Topsites. Stefan won with 40.0% of the votes placed in the contest. Well done! See the full results here. More
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in Featured ArticlesNew Gecko Discovered! Cat snow leopard gecko
We are excited to announce to the world the discovery of a brand new leopard gecko morph!
A breeder has just reported to Gecko Time that they have hatched the first ever Cat snow leopard gecko. They are calling it the snow leopard. The breeder had the following to say, “When its head first poked through the shell, I thought I was seeing something from another planet! … I knew I accidentally left that rack tub open last month, but I thought my cat, fluffy, was sterile.” More