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in Featured ArticlesBanded Gecko Oddysey
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in Featured ArticlesA Day in the Life as a Vendor
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in Featured ArticlesThe Gecko Who Wouldn’t Quit
As a small scale breeder, I count on the winter months to provide some much needed down-time from producing and caring for baby geckos. Usually my last baby hatches some time in October (I breed leopard geckos, African fat tail geckos, gargoyle geckos and Coleonyx). The first eggs tend to appear in February and the […] More
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in Featured ArticlesBreeder Chronicles: Another Breeder Weighs In
Since our usual leopard gecko breeder, Justin, was unavailable for this month’s installment of his breeding saga, I thought I would take the opportunity to comment on my breeding successes and failures for this, my eighth season.
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in Featured ArticlesThree to Get Ready: Coleonyx
Introducing our new monthly Gecko Time feature –Three to Get Ready. Every month, a different herp species will be profiled by three experienced keepers. While a detailed caresheet is always useful, individuals’ personal experiences and their delight in working with a particular species can do even more to convey what it’s really like to care for them. It can also motivate others to take on a new type of gecko.
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in Featured ArticlesThe Yearly Cycle with Geckos
Caring for geckos is a skill that can be learned quickly at a basic level, but can deepen over the course of years as the keeper learns more about a species in general and his or her own geckos in particular. More
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in Featured ArticlesHappy Independence Day! Geckos Native to the U.S.
To celebrate US Independence Day, Gecko Time presents some information about geckos which are native to mainland United States. This does not include geckos which have been introduced from other locales. There are three genera native to the United States, two of which contain a single species and one which includes at least four species. More
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in Featured ArticlesUpcoming Breeder Interview: Aliza Arzt from Geckcessories
This month, Gecko Time spoke to Aliza Arzt of Geckcessories. Aliza is a small scale breeder who also happens to be one of the editors of this publication. More