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    Crested Gecko Wild Caught “Pure Bloodlines”

    The New Caledonian crested gecko or eyelash gecko (Correlophus ciliatus) is a species of gecko native to southern New Caledonia. This species was thought extinct until it was rediscovered on an private expedition by Robert Seipp and Friedrich Wilhelm Henkle in 1994. Though the export of wild crested geckos is now prohibited, biologists like Robert and Henkle exported several specimens for study before New Caledonia stopped issuing permits to export the species. From these specimens, different breeding lines were established both in Europe and the United States. More

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    Gecko Time Wants to Know: Crested Geckos

    Crested geckos have been available in the hobby, not to mention in the annals of herpetologists, for slightly more than 20 years. Almost since they were introduced, crested geckos have exploded in popularity due to how easy it is to care for and breed them. Here is what three respected crested gecko breeders have to say about crested gecko genetics, breeding, housing and sales. More

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    Winter Feeding: Crested Gecko Diet Trials

    Owning a decent-sized collection of crested geckos (Correlophus ciliatus) means that there is often a need to change up the types of food offered, especially during the colder winter months, when they may experience a short brumation period. As a result of the colder temperatures, there is usually a notable decline in the amount of food consumed overnight. This lack of appetite inspired me to try out some alternate food sources in an attempt to get them eating a normal amount again. More

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    Crested Hermaphrodite

    I have had my two crested geckos since late 2011. I purchased them locally from a small reptile store. The owner had bred them himself and had all of the juveniles housed together. He said they had hatched around May 19th.

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    Beloved Gecko: Dekstest

    One day, I went to an exotic reptile expo. There I saw a Crested Gecko. I had never seen one before, and didn’t even know they existed. I thought that the only geckos out there were Leopard Geckos. I was wrong, obviously. Well anyway, I held one and completely fell in love with the species. More

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    Notes on Crested Gecko Genetics

    The genetics of Crested Geckos (Correlophus ciliatus), in contrast to that of other popular reptile breeding subjects, such as leopard geckos or ball pythons, has not yet been well understood or documented. They appear to exhibit multiple allelism, having multiple phenotypes for the natural selection phenomenon to work on. This may be an advantage to the species as there are many different traits that can be expressed, which lends itself to having more chances of adaptation and survival through generations. More

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    Selling Popular Gecko Species

    In January, Gecko Time published an article titled “Selling Rare Geckos” where we asked breeders of geckos that few people keep in captivity about their success in selling the offspring. Surprisingly to us, the breeders who responded had no problems. This led us to wonder how breeders who produce and sell the more popular geckos species are faring. More

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    Reptiles: An Artistic Perspective

    The natural world has always been an unparalleled source of inspiration to me. It has become a driving force in my artwork and I find myself returning again and again to depicting natural subject matter. Growing up my family encouraged and embraced my love for nature and I constantly endeavored to learn as much as I could about the animals I encountered. To learn more about the animals I loved so much I attended dozens of conservation-oriented nature camps, visited natural history museums, and pored over as much information as I could get my hands on. More

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    Some Thoughts About Crested Gecko Breeding

    Crested geckos have gained in popularity with the reptile community due to their ease of care, their handle-ability, unique features, and ease of breeding. This species was once considered genetically unpredictable: babies could hatch out looking nothing like the parents, or look nearly identical to them. And for some that was half of the fun, never knowing what would hatch. But for some of us it was frustrating in the beginning, trying to understand why two geckos that looked so similar would produce so many offspring that looked entirely different from the parents. More

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    Three to Get Ready: Crested Gecko

    Rediscovered nearly 20 years ago, renamed about a year ago (genus designation changed from “Rhacodactylus” to the original 1866 designation of “Correlophus”), the Crested Gecko has surged in popularity in all its various colors –though most of them look kinda brown to me. One theme that runs throughout the accounts of the three gecko experts below is the attractive look and feel of these wonderful creatures. Enjoy!


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    Gecko Hybridization

    I’ve been asked to write about a controversial topic in the reptile world-hybrids. I recently purchased a small group of third generation crested gecko x chahoua hybrids, which marks the beginning of my personal experience with gecko hybrids. I’ve kept reptiles for many years and have owned numerous hybrid snakes in that time. More

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    An Introduction to Crested Gecko Morphs

    Crested Geckos have a very wide range of color, pattern and traits with a seemingly endless possibility of combinations that opens the doorway for serious breeders to an excitingly beautiful world of Morphs. Crested geckos are relatively new when it comes to the animal world, only being rediscovered no more than 20 years ago after being thought extinct. This has not allowed scientists the time needed to prove out any traits so when it comes to crested geckos, traits are not genetically connected to the morphs. More

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