A study is being hosted at The Lehigh Valley Zoo on the effects of a new antiprotozoal drug on Cryptosporidium in Leopard Geckos. “Crypto” has caused massive fear in the gecko community for as long as I have been part of it. This parasite can sneak into your colonies through new additions and take out your whole collection quickly without proper quarantine and a watchful eye. Not only is crypto a risk to your animals but anapsid.org also describes how it is a health risk to keepers.
About the Kill Crypto Initiative
Kill Crypto is an initiative started by Pat Kline of Luxurious Leopards. We’ve interviewed Pat on Gecko Time; you can read that interview here.
Kill Crypto features an excellent article on their homepage by Marcia McGuiness of Golden Gate Geckos. The article, titled Cryptosporidiosis in Lizards, is a must-read for any gecko keeper.
Support Kill Crypto and their Auction
Starting today Kill Crypto is hosting an auction to raise funds for research hosted by The Lehigh Valley Zoo. If you would like to support the cause and have a chance to win an awesome gecko or gift cards then enter today. Gecko Time has donated $50 in advertising to the auction.
Learn more and enter the auction on KillCrypto.com.

What to Expect
Don’t expect any immediate results from this research. It is likely, says KillCrpyto.com, that results will take 1-2 years before they are complete and ready to publish. We wish them speed and luck as they work on a cure the reptile community depends on.
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