
Scrumptious New Leopard Gecko Morphs Developed!

The union of GMO (genetically modified organisms) and selective gecko breeding has borne incredible fruit recently! Artist and leopard gecko breeder Ben Bargen has given Gecko Time the scoop on his amazing work pushing the envelope of the leopard gecko morph.

Ben has gone beyond the accomplishments of everyone who is line-breeding for deeper and truer oranges with his production of the true tangerine leopard gecko.  The secret of the amazing tangerine lies in the unique eggs from which they hatch:

True Tangerine leopard gecko with eggs
True Tangerine leopard gecko with eggs

Of course, the search for the best orange doesn’t end with an orange body.  Breeders have long been obsessed with producing the best carrot tails.  Ben has done them one better with his “true carrot tail” leopard gecko:

Super hypo true carrot tail
Super hypo true carrot tail

Ben admits to having been impressed by the recently produced “lemon frost” leopard gecko but has taken it a step further in his production of two lines of the “true lemon” leopard gecko:

True Lemon Patternless
True Lemon Patternless
True Lemon eclipse
True Lemon eclipse

You may ask, after these superb developments, where else is there to go with leopard gecko breeding?  Ben has responded to the need for hobbyists to save on space and has also tuned in to the current craze for micro gecko species:

Microgeckos - various morphs
Microgeckos – various morphs

With these phenomenal accomplishments in only the first quarter of 2016, to what greater heights will Ben ascend?  Stay tuned to find out more in just about exactly a year.

What do you think?

Written by Aliza

Aliza is a home care speech therapist living in the Boston area. She successfully bred a variety of gecko species between 2005 and 2017. She currently cares for a large number of geckos as well as a few frogs and bearded dragons. Other interests which she pursues in her copious free time include work in ceramics, practicing aikido and surfing the internet.


Leave a Reply
  1. The Micro gecko’s are soooo sweet. Wish I could be so lucky to breed gecko’s like these.
    Louise Coetzee
    OFS ,

  2. I adore the peel, thank you for your delicious content!

    i wish i was given the privilege to breed

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