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in Featured ArticlesL. williamsi: Learning from Failures
It’s natural for gecko keepers, like anyone else, to publicize their successes and avoid discussion of their failures. Failures are frustrating and even somewhat embarrassing. Discussing them publicly also leaves one open to criticism. Despite having all these feelings, I’ve decided to write about my failure this past year to successfully breed Lygodactylus williamsi –electric blue day geckos.
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in Featured ArticlesBreeder Chronicles: Season Comes to a Difficult End
So I can finally announce this breeding season as a complete failure. My final clutch of eggs hatched and I had a nice Jungle RAPTOR and Tremper Albino hatchling. They were squealing and running around but I decided to keep them in the incubator for a few extra days just to be sure all was well. After checking on them daily I went to move them into tubs on the third day to find the Jungle RAPTOR dead but the Tremper doing just fine.
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in Featured ArticlesBreeder Chronicle: Heating your Racks
Still waiting. I can’t help but look inside the incubator at the 5 remaining eggs looking at the two single-egg clutches that are due to hatch around the same time. It should be any day now. In the meantime I’ve been feeding the geckos and cleaning the cages but other than that there hasn’t been a lot to report.
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in Featured ArticlesBreeder Chronicles: Incubator Issues
This has been one of the hardest months that I’ve had as a breeder. I was very excited about having clutches laid early in the season and having 5 in the incubator at one time. Unfortunately I had two eggs hatch very late, after 45 days, and found two very weak geckos with their yolk sacs still attached. More
in Featured ArticlesBreeder Chronicle: Bad News Good News
Gecko breeding always has its highs and lows but this month has had some big swings. I’ll start with the bad news. More
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in Featured ArticlesBreeder Chronicles: Incubator
The incubator is set up and ready to go for the new season and I should have eggs from my Super Hypo female Shiny sometime in the next two weeks. I’m still working on getting either a Mack RAPTOR or Nova male but I’m sure I can find one before the breeding season is over so I won’t stress about it. More
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in Featured ArticlesNew Breeder Chronicles: 2011 Breeding Season in Review
It’s hard to believe but one full year of breeding is now under my belt and as usual things didn’t go as planned, but they were fun. At this point I thought I would have 2 full racks of hatchlings, a couple of sales and be setting up for my first show. More
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in Featured ArticlesNew Breeder Chronicles: The Geckos and the Elements
So far all my hatchlings have come from the Sunglow by Superhypo pair and for the most part the hatchlings look the same. That was until this past Saturday when I found a present in the incubator. More
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in Featured ArticlesNew Breeder Chronicle: It’s a Girl!
It’s a girl! Well, maybe. I did incubate the eggs to err on the side of being female so I’m hoping that things work out that way. In either case I am ecstatic to announce to the world that the remaining egg from the first clutch that was laid has hatched after 49 days to reveal the cute little gecko below. More
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in Readers' Questions AnsweredReaders’ Questions Answered: Leos and Leachies
Here are two questions about two different geckos, both of whom happen to have names starting with “L”. As you will see, in one case the respondants are in agreement and in the other there is some difference of opinion. More
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in Featured ArticlesChronicles of a New Breeder: Eggs!
So much has happened since the last article I have a hard time keeping my thoughts organized. First, and most exciting of all, my SHTCB female has laid her first clutch of eggs. More
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in Featured ArticlesEggs?! Help!
Breeding season for most geckos is in full swing and gecko forums are full of anxious questions about eggs and incubation: Is my moldy/dented/shriveled/green and gooey egg OK? Why haven’t I gotten any fertile eggs yet? When will my gecko ovulate/lay her eggs? When will my eggs hatch? Face it, we’re much more broody about those eggs than the geckos.