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    Gecko Hatchlings with Problems Part 1

    As easy as it can be to put a male and female gecko together, stick the eggs in the incubator, wait for the hatchlings and raise them to adulthood, inevitably some of the hatchlings have problems. They’re born with deformities, they don’t eat, they don’t grow the way they should. More

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    Creating a Bioactive Leopard Gecko Setup

    Anyone involved in the online leopard gecko community can recite the ideal leopard gecko setup: paper towel or tile, belly heat controlled with a thermostat, a dry hide, a humid hide, and a water dish. This simple setup works, and it has saved the lives of many leopard geckos previously kept in inadequate conditions due to ignorance. Still, many keepers wonder about creating more naturalistic enclosures.

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    Leopard Gecko Morph Special: the New Bluebelly Pastel Gene

    Geckos with the new “pastel” single gene were officially released by Ron Tremper in 2014.

    The project started back in 2008 with a raptor baby which hatched out with a bright blue belly color through spontaneous genetic mutation . His pictures went across the globe and raised a huge interest in the global gecko community at that time. The bright blue belly-coloration faded after some weeks, but the animal and some of its relatives expressed a different pattern combined with a generally improved coloration of the animals. The project has been selectively bred and developed since 2009. More

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    Recently I got a gecko-related communication from my downstairs neighbor. This is not unusual, since I get frequent requests to come down and remove dead crickets from the lamp fixtures or live ones from under the refrigerator. More

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    The Leopard Gecko Advisor Answers Your Questions

    Introducing Ray Roehner, author of The Leopard Gecko Advisor and owner of Designer Geckos, the first commercial storefront in the world dedicated to leopard geckos!  Periodically he will be answering questions about leopard geckos that readers send in.  Here is his first installment:   My Leopard gecko hasn’t eaten in a month and I’m worried I always […] More

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    Eyelid Dysecdysis in Leopard Geckos

    I have never had a gecko as a pet. And that is an important fact in my suggestions for their care. My perspective is as if I am a space alien looking down on Earth from Mars and telling us we need to clean up our atmosphere. I do see hundreds of geckos each year with multiple kinds of veterinary problems. I have been treating geckoes for more than twenty-five years and my care suggestions spring from two generalized observations. More

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    Selling Popular Gecko Species

    In January, Gecko Time published an article titled “Selling Rare Geckos” where we asked breeders of geckos that few people keep in captivity about their success in selling the offspring. Surprisingly to us, the breeders who responded had no problems. This led us to wonder how breeders who produce and sell the more popular geckos species are faring. More

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