
7 Geckos You Have Probably Never Heard of

If you are on this site, chances are you know more than a thing or two about geckos. Even most of the general public knows a few things about the cute little leopard geckos in the pet store or the Geico Gecko, but we are going to provide a list of some of the most exotic and unusual geckos known to humans.

7. Pristurus carteri

Commonly known as the “scorpion gecko”, these small members of the Family of Sphaerodactylidae are known for the curious uses of their tails. Scorpion geckos have been observed to sway their tails in what appears to be communication with other geckos. Upon threat of a predator, the scorpion gecko will curl their tails and mimic scorpions, hence the common name. In addition, the males of these species have small spikes protruding from their tails and the species is diurnal. These little critters are native to Oman.

Check out the Reptile Database for a picture and more info about this species.

6. Gonatodes albogularis

G. albogularis, or the yellow-headed gecko, is a gecko from the Subfamily of Gekkoninae, and is native to Central and South America. Visually, it seems inconspicuous compared to its vibrant cousins of the genus of Phelsuma . That is of course until you compare the sexes. The females are a dull gray white while the males have orange-yellow heads and spectacular blue bodies. The sexual dimorphism is so great that I would be completely unsurprised if I’d been told that the sexes were two entirely different species.  Similar to their popular relatives, G. albogularis is largely diurnal, however, it does not appear to feed on fruit and nectar.

Check out the Reptile Database for a picture and more info about this species.


5. Gehyra oceanica

At first glance, the oceanic gecko appears to be nothing more than a plain old house gecko. However, there is more than meets the eye with  G. oceanica, commonly called the Pacific dtella. These geckos have the exceptional habit of forming group nests, where up to six females may lay eggs. The eggs are non-adhesive, differing from the majority of the Pacific dtella’s closest relatives. In addition, these primarily insectivorous animals have been found with the seeds of fruit in their stomachs.

Check out the Reptile Database for a picture and more info about this species.


4. Rhacodactylus trachyrhynchus

R. trachyrhynchus, or the greater rough snouted gecko, is probably the most commonly known gecko on the list, due to its close relation to other Rhacodactylus geckos. However, it is still quite unfamiliar and is unfortunately considered Endangered. The appearance of this gecko is typical of a Rhacodactylus gecko, except for some curious scales on the nose. Other than this, it just looks like another Rhac. However, this species is one of the few gecko species that is viviparous, meaning that it gives birth live, rather than laying eggs. They consume fruit, insects, and occasionally small mice and lizards.

Check out the Reptile Database for a picture and more info about this species.


3. Phyllodactylus augustidigitus (also known as P. angustidigitus)

P. augustidigitus, also known as the Paracas gecko or the narrow leaf toed gecko, is a small, curious gecko native to southern Peru. They max out at a SVL of around six centimeters. Paracas geckos are quite unusual in the fact that they prefer to live near shelly or gravelly beaches, but avoid sandy beaches. They are mostly insectivores, preying on small worms, beetles, spiders, and crustaceans. In addition, the females only lay one egg per clutch.

Check out the Reptile Database for a picture and more info about this species.


2. Strophurus ciliaris

S. ciliaris is an inconspicuous gecko native to Australia. Also called the spiny-tailed gecko, this small animal only grows to 3.5 inches. It is highly polymorphic and comes in black, grey, white, light blue, and orange patterns, in addition to having crested gecko-like scales giving the gecko an eyelash like appearance. The bright colors warn predators of nasty smelling secretions. The secretions are completely harmless, but taste very unpleasant. Spiny-tailed geckos prefer to live in dry scrublands. Although they are primarily nocturnal, they can be found basking occasionally. These little geckos are insectivores, but have been seen lapping up wattle sap.

Check out the Reptile Database for a picture and more info about this species.


1.  Christinus marmoratus

C. maroratus, or the southern marble gecko, is native to southern Australia. Like leopard geckos, southern marble geckos use their tails for fat storage. Hatchlings and juveniles have very little fat. Maxing out at five centimeters SVL, these geckos live in dry forests, scrublands, and urban areas. In hot months southern marble geckos aestivate in abandoned burrows and crevices. Quite surprisingly, the southern marble gecko will congregate in the cooler season. Despite expressing territorial behaviors, these geckos live in groups of up to ten, containing only one male.

Check out the Reptile Database for a picture and more info about this species.


Hopefully you have learned a good deal from this article. Despite being in the age with the greatest knowledge and technology ever, animals continue to surprise us with their ability to adapt.


Ed. note: We have referred you to the Reptile Database to see pictures and find additional information about the geckos profiled in this article.  Here is some more information about the Reptile Database from its creators:

Geckos in the Reptile Database

Find out the nitty-gritty about gecko taxonomy in the Reptile Database ( which has a complete list of all 1,650 gecko species, including searchable distribution data (good range maps coming soon!) and an extensive hyperlinked bibliography. The database is also looking for volunteers who are interested in working on the database. Free access to a vast library of papers offered in return. Please contact Peter Uetz ([email protected]) for more details.

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Written by Skee Dinski

Skee Dinski is a middle school student in Michigan. He enjoys sharing his love of reptiles with other people. He currently owns 2 leopard geckos and a gargoyle gecko in addition to a myriad of other pets.


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Beloved Gecko: Dekstest

Interview with Peter Uetz about the Reptile Database