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    Attack of the Feeder Crickets

    The common house cricket (Acheta domesticus) may soon be a thing of the past. The deadly Cricket Paralysis Virus (aka Acheta domestica densovirus, AdDNV) that decimated the specie in Europe around eight years ago has essentially wiped them out to near extinction here in North America as well. The feeder insect producers have not even had a chance to recover from the devastating financial losses of the mealworm shortage that wreaked havoc on the reptile community in 2008, and we are now faced with yet another feeder crisis. More

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    Three Cage Cleaning Tips

    Cleaning your gecko’s cage can be a complicated and time-consuming process, but it doesn’t always have to be. And believe it or not, geckos usually require minimal cage maintenance as long as you keep it clean and tidy on a regular basis.


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    Ease Your Fear of Cockroaches

    We all know that the cockroach is a very dirty, disgusting bug by nature. Most people are led to believe that because roaches live in sewers, dump disposals, carry disease, are small and creepy little bugs that fly, they’re no good. For some people this is true, especially if you have had a run-in with this little bug. More

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    Creepy Crawlies in My Closet

    Have you ever gone to the pet store bought a couple dozen crickets, only to wake up the next morning to find half dozen or so dead? I have on more than just one occasion, and I, like all of you out there, work hard for my money and hate to see it go to waste. So, with finances being the driving force and my culinary background being the inspiration to finding an economical, low maintenance, and nutritionally sound alternative, Bug-Bites got its start. More

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    The Evolution of an Accidental Herpetoculturist

    Sometimes an interest is cultivated, groomed and planned like you would a trip to Mars, other times you fall into it like Alice into Wonderland. The story of myself and my “herpies” as I like to call them, is the latter. I was asked to write about how I got into reptiles, the twists and turns so far, and what the future may hold. Though I can’t guarantee it will be interesting, it’s the only story I’ve got so here it goes. More

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    Eggs?! Help!

    Breeding season for most geckos is in full swing and gecko forums are full of anxious questions about eggs and incubation: Is my moldy/dented/shriveled/green and gooey egg OK? Why haven’t I gotten any fertile eggs yet? When will my gecko ovulate/lay her eggs? When will my eggs hatch? Face it, we’re much more broody about those eggs than the geckos.

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    The Chronicles of a New Gecko Breeder – Part 2

    Whether you are an experienced breeder, a novice breeder, a breeder “wanna-be” or a confirmed “pet only” gecko keeper, the experiences of Justin Hansen, newly returned to leopard gecko breeding, should be an interesting read. In the second installment of his New Breeder series, Justin continues to establish his gecko and feeder breeding colonies: More

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    What Hatches Out of My Incubator Results

    Our friends over at have donated two Reptipro incubators for two lucky Gecko Time readers.

    We asked our readers to send us a photo, drawing or written description of any type of gecko that you have hatched or hope to hatch from their incubator.  This can be an actual morph of a gecko or a rendering of your fantasy gecko (for example, a solid black leopard gecko with red eyes).  Photoshopped pictures are welcome, but please indicate whether this is an actual gecko or a photoshopped submission. More

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