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in Featured ArticlesBlack Night Leopard Geckos: Interview with Jayden Coleman of Eco Geckos
The Black Night Leopard Gecko, an extremely hypermelanistic (very dark) leopard gecko has generated a lot of interest since it came on the market. One fortunate Black Night breeder is Jayden Coleman of Eco Geckos in the UK. Gecko Time was able to interview him recently to educate our readers about this fascinating new morph. More
in Featured ArticlesInterview with Brandon Lee of Reptile Maniac
Reptile Maniac is a great example of an up-and-coming service provided by people who are passionate about reptiles. Backed by extensive research, it utilizes a variety of internet and social media connections to provide information, share photos and answer common questions about the reptiles they are most knowledgeable about, including an increasing variety of gecko species. Gecko Time recently interviewed Brandon Lee, the owner of Reptile Maniac. More
in Featured ArticlesBreeding Geckos: Are You Ready?
Last week’s article explored the requirements for a gecko to be ready for breeding. This week’s article will provide information about what the human in charge of gecko breeding needs to consider in order to have a successful experience. More
in Featured ArticlesIs Your Gecko Ready for Breeding?
In the northern hemisphere, gecko breeding season has been in full swing since the late winter. It’s still early enough in the season to begin breeding, and late enough to contemplate breeding for next season. It’s important that the geckos in question be in good condition for breeding. It’s also important for the hobbyist who is contemplating breeding their geckos to be sufficiently prepared. More
in Featured ArticlesThe Amazing Adventures of Mr. Blue
Mr. Blue is an electric blue day gecko, otherwise known as a Lagodactylus williamsi. He’s been sharing my home (literally) with me for the past five years. More
in Featured ArticlesWhat Goes on in My House: the Modular Method
Welcome to my gecko room! We have to make the most of our limited space, so modular housing is all the rage. More
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in Featured Articles, Prose and ControversiesBuying a Gecko from a *gasp* Pet Store?!
Believe it or not, brick-and-mortar pet stores can be a reasonable place to find a quality pet gecko.
Now hear me out because not all pet stores are created equally. There is a right way to run a pet store and there is a wrong way to run a pet store. We’re going to outline some of the things you can look out for when you would prefer to shop at a retail store. More -
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in Featured ArticlesWhat Goes on in My House: Zoom In Zoom Out
Welcome to a convivial room in the wintry “wilds” of Toronto Canada! More
in Featured ArticlesWhat Goes on in My House: Reptiles and Spiders Photo Essay
In a nicely furnished lounge somewhere in the UK, lurks a cherished reptile and invertebrate collection. . . More
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in Featured ArticlesThe Little Jungle in My House – Photo Essay
This is my computer corner. I love having a little jungle in my house – and on my desk at work – a rest for my eyes from the computer, and a little chance to escape to another small world for a bit… More
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in Featured ArticlesWhat Goes on in My House?! Aliza Arzt
Welcome to the first of what we hope will be many photo-essays about our geckos in our homes. A photo essay is designed to be heavy on pictures and light on words, so without further ado: More
in Featured ArticlesNew Series: What Goes on in My House?!
Entering the house of a dedicated gecko keeper can be a weird experience, especially if the gecko “collection” is integrated into the decor of the home. For many “not your average living room” is an understatement. More