leopard gecko
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in Featured ArticlesWhat Goes on in My House: Reptiles and Spiders Photo Essay
In a nicely furnished lounge somewhere in the UK, lurks a cherished reptile and invertebrate collection. . . More
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in Featured ArticlesHealing through Art and Reptiles
It often goes without saying, but I had a rough childhood. Regardless, two things kept me going
through it all; art and animals. As a result, my passion for art and the animals in my life have always been intertwined and fed off one another. It all started in my youth with a fascination for dragons. More -
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in Featured ArticlesImprovements on a Tub
Tub or viv? It’s one of the questions that comes up time and time again in the reptile hobby. It’s a question that polarizes some keepers and most people will have an opinion or preference one way or the other. Indeed, Gecko Time has previously covered the topic as part of the Pros and Controversies series, with readers on both sides of the fence. More
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in Featured ArticlesEscaped Geckos and Impressive Finds
Gecko Time has gotten many frantic requests for assistance from people whose geckos have escaped their cages ever since running the article Find an Escaped Gecko in January 2010. In addition to the understandable worry about re-locating a missing pet, there is usually tremendous concern about clutter in the house, cats, dogs and openings in walls or stairwells that will make the retrieval job more difficult. Even the miraculous story of one of my geckos found after 2 years sojourn somewhere in the house doesn’t seem to help people feel better. Though I can’t guarantee that a lost gecko can be found, I thought that a few more stories about miraculous gecko (and one non-gecko) finds might rekindle some hope. More
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in Featured ArticlesGive them Bread and Circuses!
The ancient Roman satirical playwright Juvenal declared in one of his plays “Give them bread and circuses!” (panem et circenses). His message was aimed at a Roman populace that cares only for the superficial entertainments of the age rather than engaging with the important issues of the time. You may take that politically wherever you want, but our perennial April contributor, Ben Bargen, is, as always, thinking about geckos.
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in Featured ArticlesGecko Time Wants to Know: Leopard Geckos
This is the first in a new monthly series at Gecko Time. Thinking well beyond the basic care issues for popular gecko species, Gecko Time is interested in hearing from established breeders about more advanced topics such as market trends, issues unique to the particular species and long term breeding considerations. Each month, Gecko Time will put three questions to established breeders of a gecko species to get their thoughts on these issues. More
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in Featured ArticlesInterview with John Lehmann of MorphMarket
Gecko Time recently had the opportunity to interview John Lehmann, the founder of a new online sales platform that originally featured snakes but has now begun expanding to include geckos. More
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in Featured ArticlesNoir Désir – The New Recessive Trait with Leopard Geckos
It all started in 2013 when I was frantically looking for a nice tangerine male to improve my tangerine line. Despite knowing a lot of world known breeders I hadn’t found what I was looking for and my dearest friend and partner Lydie Verger -Didiegecko Aft, kindly offered me one of her hatchlings, a really nice looking Mandarin Tangerine male named Noir Désir (meaning Black Desire in French). This male hatched out of superb looking Mandarin Tangerine pairing with practically full Carrot Tails. It was very visible that this male, Noir Désir, had the same qualities as its parents but a different, much darker overall look. More
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in Featured ArticlesBeloved Gecko: The Amazing Bunnyman
Many years ago, I purchased a Sunglow male leopard gecko from reptile breeder Garrick DeMeyer. I loved this gecko from the first time I saw his picture online, and knew I had to have him. When he arrived, I was ecstatic, as he was just as beautiful as in the picture. He was about 80g when he arrived, and was quite terrified to say the least. I named him Sunny, because of his brilliant yellow orange coloration.
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in Featured ArticlesBeloved Gecko: Scooter
Scooter came to me via my mother, a Massachusetts school teacher. She obtained Scooter to be a classroom pet for her 6th graders. Unfortunately leopard geckos are usually zonked out during the day! (Though I’ve only been to one reptile show, my experience was the poor leopard geckos were not happy campers in the middle of the afternoon). Because she needed to operate on a different schedule, Scooter eventually moved into the house with my family. More
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in Featured ArticlesBeloved Gecko: Spider
This is our second installment of our Beloved Gecko series and features a photo and video essay about HJ Rudy’s famous leopard gecko, Spider. More
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in Featured ArticlesBeloved Gecko: Eragon
The year was 2004. I was a “veteran” leopard gecko owner of one year, and after reading endlessly on gecko forums about breeders’ successes, I decided that I was ready to breed geckos. I also decided to buy my first gecko from a breeder and have it shipped to me. More